

We have chosen Printify as our preferred Print on Demand (PoD) supplier as they offer a large number of printing outlets across the globe. We can then create products in specific regions that are geographically closer to their intended destination This means that nice mug you want to send to a friend won't travel 12,000 miles to get to there.

What difference will shipping a coffee mug make? Only a little and like all sustainability concerns, even the little things add up.

One small drawback is that not every product can be sourced in all regions. Also, similar products might differ depending on the global region you wish to order from. There is nothing stopping you from ordering anywhere but shipping charges will increase, naturally.

We at Mango Cat Creations continue working hard to provide the most intriguing, creative, high quality products, and a way to get it to our customers economically.

We do this with sustainability in mind to help our planet, even if in small ways.

If you have any further concerns or questions, please use this form.

Last updated: 07 May 2024